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Trusted AI

Don’t improvise—innovate with trusted AI

Pair access management with data protection and AI data security

Get resources on data-security platforms, the role of governance, and IGA providers


Forrester Wave Data Security Platforms Report, Q1 2023​


The Future of Data Security Posture Management

Position paper

IGA Buyer’s Guide

Set the stage for secure AI adoption

How trustworthy your AI systems are will depend on how secure your information and access management solutions are


Efficiently manage identities

Achieve your governance and business objectives even in the most complex environments. Manage identities with real-time access management and ensure the right users have the right access at the right time.


Adapt to evolving regulations

Use privacy-enabling technologies to discover, analyze, and protect sensitive data and continuously monitor and manage the data lifecycle. Leverage trusted AI-driven analytics to understand the context and purpose of data.


Neutralize data breach impact

Stop breaches before they can stop your operations. Deliver continuous data protection that moves with data, maintains referential integrity for hybrid IT, and reduces the risks of AI adoption.


Streamline the identity lifecycle

Ensure compliance, reduce cyber insurance costs, and achieve zero-trust security with an identity and access management SaaS platform. Cost-effective, flexible microservices integrate seamlessly to deliver rapid ROI.

Data protection and access management in action

Find out how our customers use OpenText™ identity and access management and data protection solutions.

Implementing NetIQ Identity Governance accelerated progress toward meeting CMMC requirements by automating the onboarding of so many applications quickly.

The ability to centralize identity and access rights with NetIQ Identity Manager and NetIQ Identity Governance is incredibly powerful and valuable to us.

We have found real treasures among our millions of files, as well as ways to drastically reduce our storage costs and safeguard the sensitive data that is our museum’s legacy.

Explore our AI data security products

OpenText™ Identity Governance (NetIQ)

Protect data with simplified compliance and access review processes

OpenText™ Access Manager with Managed Services (NetIQ)

Enable single sign-on and access control across platforms

OpenText™ Data Privacy & Protection Foundation (Voltage)

Protect high-value data while keeping it usable for hybrid IT

OpenText™ Core Data Discovery & Risk Insights

Discover and protect your most valuable data