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Decisions reimagined

Keep your enterprise legal team on course with legal AI tools

What is Legal 3.0 and how can you get ready for it?

Discover how enterprise legal teams can improve outcomes with legal AI tools.

Position paper

Journey to Legal 3.0:
A radical shift for enterprise legal teams

GigaOm report

GigaOm Radar for E-Discovery: OpenText named a leader

Explainer video

AI legal tools in action: Introducing Legal Tech Aviator

Watch the video

See around the bend

Find facts for internal investigations, effectively manage risk, and improve case strategy with powerful legal technology and advanced analytics


Improve data-driven outcomes

Harness the power of AI-driven legal technology and e-discovery solutions to rapidly unlock insights so you can deliver timely, strategic, and effective decisions.


Allocate resources more efficiently

Free up time to focus on higher value legal work. Streamline operations using AI legal tools, automation, and analytics to quickly identify and assess critical facts.

Cost control

Spend less, do more

Use legal AI tools and expert techniques to reduce eDiscovery and internal investigation costs. Repurpose data to streamline multi-matter management.


Proactively reduce risk

70% of general counsel are focused on proactively managing risk.* Leverage GenAI to improve case and investigation strategy.

*CCBJ, The Evolving Role of General Counsel in 2024: Survey Results, 2024

Legal technology success in action

Learn how other enterprise legal teams deliver service excellence with help from OpenText

OpenText Axcelerate’s advanced analytical capabilities are absolutely crucial to how we investigate our cases in the future and make sure that we do so quickly and efficiently.

Serious Fraud Office logo

By having in-house services versus having to outsource this, the legal teams have seen a reduction of 40% to 45% in terms of time and costs.

OpenText Axcelerate allows you to get to the facts that matter in the case much more quickly.

Explore legal technology, eDiscovery solutions, and legal AI tools

OpenText™ eDiscovery

Gain control over e-discovery and alleviate legal risk

OpenText™ Core Legal Hold

Eliminate time-consuming and risky manual litigation hold proceses

OpenText™ eDOCS Content Management

Securely manage and collaborate on sensitive legal work product

OpenText™ Legal Knowledge Management

Find, organize, and gain insights across content silos